Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Memento Mori

A clip that reminds me every day to life to the fullest, it's very intense and not for the faint hearted, obviously i would like to believe that there is life after death but what i believe they are trying to get at is that you should be lucky that you are alive and exist. They also play on the fact that being able to think and feel is the beauty of existing in this world, "because when you die, you will not be aware that that you are dead, because there is nothing."

Quite depressing i know, but there's a turning point in the clip towards the end where they say your life is the sum of your experiences, which in turn tells me that there's no point holding back, if you desire something and really want to achieve, then go for it, you only live once..

To the contrary this video actually inspires me to live my life to the fullest, so i guess its open for intepretation.


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