Tuesday, March 30, 2010


What if our destiny is determined by whether we are opening or closing in each moment. It's very simple, for e.g. i fell down the stairs today and smashed my head pretty badly, I sat there with my hands covering my head.

I was in intense pain yet i thought about opening and breathing what i felt as opposed to closing, but the pain was too intense, i tried again to open and then i let it go and just sat there feeling the pain.

This is obviously a random example in terms of linking it to destiny but if you look at the bigger picture some days you will go through moments where you either won't enjoy or wont particularly feel happy about something that occurs, now what are you doing, closing ? or opening?

Are you detaching yourself from the world or are you living and breathing it? i think this a key link to the universe aligning itself to you and giving you endless possibilities, because if you swim with the tide and accept the fact that the every day is ever changing you will reap the benefits of living in the moment.

Pain is merely a superhero with a dark cape, you think it's the bad guy but if you feel through it, stay open and accept it, it will save you.

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


As it sit here writing, the last couple of weeks have made me realised I have awakened.

What exactly has awaken upon me I am yet to find out, all I know so far is that we measure life based on what we think we need and we are to afraid to go for what we actually want.

Our safety perimeter constricts us, it creates a Hollywood ending in which we believe everything will end up nice and dandy, well scrap that. Life is death and it surrounds us everywhere we go, time is limited.

What we do moment by moment defines us, so we are either opening or closing. Now I want to make an oath, which is no matter what life throws at me I will remain open, and appreciate everything and everybody that comes into my life, to never hold back and for my words not to just be as elegant as my actions but far beyond.

I survive because oxygen allows my body too function, now it’s all about breathing it all and letting myself go free.

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All i can ask for is nothing

All I can ask for is nothing, who am I to say I need someone to be happy, I realise more every day, that pain is god’s way of giving his gift of enlightenment. He gave us everything; he can also remove it from us, at any time.

Nothing ever remains, death is imminent and is god’s way of reminding us to always keep our hearts open, because one day, our hearts will stop beating and to do yourself and the world the injustice of closing your heart of before you die is deadly in its own right, if you don’t embrace all of the magical, painful and vast array of emotions in your life and be grateful that you can feel them because you are alive and have the gift of knowing you exist in a place that is full of love and beautiful people, then you your not living a life you desire.

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Letting go, whilst opening.

Here I am, vulnerable, open and soft hearted, not tainted by the world. I remain my own, no one else’s, free to be who I choose without remorse, i have loved and felt an intense high of gratitude. I see the world in a different perspective, for i now will always remain open to breathe in what the divine has to offer.

I have let my love go, for she is on her own journey, but my love for her remains, there is nothing a beautiful feminine graceful woman can do to change the way I see them, they make me want to come out my skin and scream with delight, the habits which annoy me actually make me fall more in love with them, the fact that they can evoke such powerful emotion from me, to test my frame and capacity to remain open and free, how can you ever resent any woman that has done you wrong, for they are the reason your race exists, how would you treat a delicate flower? With nurture and care and just the right amount of water, too much, and it dies, death is inevitable, it will happen to everyone and everything around us.

People see death as the start, but it is only the beginning, the death of a relationship is only the biggest gift you could ever receive, it creates a sense of profound pain and if you dig deeper you realise the pain is cleverly disguised as liberation, if you allow it to take its course and feel through it as opposed to holding back you will notice how beautiful our abilities as humans are to go beyond emotion and in turn if you accept your state and dig deeper you will realise, there is a plan for everyone.. and we may not all stay on course or get to our final destination but at least we know we have the power to breathe the love surrounding us in and close our eyes holding back the tears, knowing we have lived.

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Polar opposites

Relationships are the most beautiful type of growth, love, and passion that a human can experience the kind where two polar opposites are so fascinated and in awe of each other’s mysticism and bond without knowing a single fact about each other.

The mystery behind the unravelling of temptation and dabbling in the unknown is what makes our hearts beat with life, it is this feeling that we crave and live for, to feel alive and vulnerable heading in a direction which is yet to be confirmed.

How I love femininity that women display, it makes me want to come out of my skin and dance with the stars it’s the most liberating and refreshing feeling to have someone so deep in their feminine nature express themselves from their core.

The soft skin, the beautiful eyes and lucid energy makes you want to surrender. To find someone who can challenge you to move deeper in the kinks of consciousness and sexually, to unite as one and feel through each other’s body’s.

To ultimately know that whatever comes your way you will be able handle it together. This is a rare manifesto, one in which people can only dream about, yet not even begin to picture.

Relationships tell you about yourself, they unravel your ambitions, your desires and most of all your purpose in life; they play on the insecurities that you have and put everything out in the open. Are you willing to accept you are going to slip up often, or are you going to close yourself off?

These fundamental factors shape the direction of your relationship, it is only with openness that you will remain unchanged, the moment you start holding back your deepest core and desire, your woman will feel it and she will stop trusting you.

The arguments that ensue will be the ruler in which your woman measures your masculinity, direction and strength if you don’t stand open and unshakable in the midst of the storm she will be able to feel your weakness.

This is fine, but if it happens to often, there will be a shift in the relationship over time, you will notice that your woman will start emanating a masculine shell around her femininity, she will have to take control because you have failed to be trust worthy and following your masculine heart.

This is a common occurrence in most relationships, ideally it needs to happen in order for you to gain perspective and learn from these experiences, you need to realise that your purpose in life is the most important factor in your life and that your woman only comes second to that. They may not like to hear it, but they subconsciously know that they can trust you because you won’t let anything get in the way from what you want in life.

Women will come and go out your life, you can’t control external circumstances, but you can choose how you react to situations which determine the future, which is why I say don’t forget who you are and what you stand for, when the right women comes along you will know, and you will be ready for another wild ride but at least this time you will be fully conscious.

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