Wednesday, March 17, 2010

All i can ask for is nothing

All I can ask for is nothing, who am I to say I need someone to be happy, I realise more every day, that pain is god’s way of giving his gift of enlightenment. He gave us everything; he can also remove it from us, at any time.

Nothing ever remains, death is imminent and is god’s way of reminding us to always keep our hearts open, because one day, our hearts will stop beating and to do yourself and the world the injustice of closing your heart of before you die is deadly in its own right, if you don’t embrace all of the magical, painful and vast array of emotions in your life and be grateful that you can feel them because you are alive and have the gift of knowing you exist in a place that is full of love and beautiful people, then you your not living a life you desire.


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